Providing accessible and affordable healthcare for everyone is an ethical imperative. That’s why Rep. James has worked tirelessly to reduce the cost of prescription drugs and hold big pharma and the insurance industry accountable. Rep. Lindsay James is also a vocal supporter for substantial and immediate increases to brain health services so that those in distress can receive the support they need, and in turn, free up our emergency rooms and police officers to provide the community services for which they are best equipped. Healthy communities are strong communities.
The privatization of Medicaid by the Republican party has had devastating impacts on our most vulnerable Iowans, in particular, our disability community. The only way to turn a profit off of someone’s whose health condition may not get better is to deny services or delay reimbursements.
Too often this has left vulnerable Iowans unable to access the critical services they need and left our medical providers without financial reimbursement.
Representative Lindsay James is a loud advocate for the reversal of privatized Medicaid, and for accountability and transparency measures for these large out of state corporations who prioritize profits over people.
Recent healthcare bills that passed with the support of Rep. James:
✓ Ensuring better health care for Iowa seniors (HF 2269)
✓ Ensuring safe health care by expanding the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (SF 2120)
✓ Preventing insurance fraud (HF 426)
✓ Making EMS an essential service in rural areas (SF 2283)
✓ Expanding access to health care providers and services throughout the state (SF 2118, SF 2357, HF 2267, HF 310, SF 2261, HF 2197)
✓ Raising minimum age for tobacco and vaping (SF 2268)
✓ Encouraging recovery through greater participation in the 24/7 program (HF 2411)