Our kids are our most precious resource and our most important responsibility. We must ensure that every child has the opportunity to realize their full potential. Education plays a vital role in achieving this, helping our kids become not just college ready, but career ready.
Iowa’s schools are our crowning achievement. That’s why Rep. Lindsay James has fought against harmful Republican cuts to our public schools and advocates for investing more resources in the classroom through technology, teacher training, and an increase in support staff such as paraprofessionals and brain health professionals.
We need fully funded early childhood education programs and K-12 schools, with small classroom sizes, professionally trained and supported teachers, enrichment opportunities outside of the classroom in the form of arts and athletic programs, and most importantly, an approach to assessment and teaching that gets beyond a standardized formula and appreciates our kids’ unique gifts and learning styles.
Our Dubuque colleges and universities are a key educational asset to our community, offering not only degrees that prepare graduates for careers and meaningful contributions to society, but also apprenticeships, technical training, and lifelong learning programs. Rep. Lindsay James will continue her work to leverage these opportunities and see these great institutions thrive.
Recent education bills that passed with the support of Rep. James:
✓ Improving classrooms so all students can reach their full potential (SF 2360)
✓ Expanding special education opportunities (HF 2340)
✓ Expanding reading help for dyslexic students (SF 2356)
✓ Encouraging a diverse teaching workforce (HF 2359)
✓ Expanding Career and Technical Education (HF 2454)
✓ Expanding skilled apprenticeship training (HF 2629)